Former Manager Fails to Show That Her Former Employer’s Reasons for Termination Were Based on Any Discriminatory Motive

The Superior Court of Pennsylvania in Ferraro v. Temple University held that Plaintiff failed to show that the legitimate reasons for employee’s termination were pretext for any discriminatory motive. 185 A.3d 396 (Pa. Super. 2018). Plaintiff worked as a manager of patient accounting and was fired at the age of sixty-two for violating another, much younger, employee’s FMLA rights and issuing the same employee an improper citation.

In order to succeed under a claim for age discrimination, Plaintiff had to establish: (1) she belonged to a protected class (at least 40 years old); (2) was qualified for the position; (3) was dismissed despite being qualified; and (4) suffered dismissal under circumstances giving rise to an inference of discrimination. Plaintiff argues that the younger employee was given preferential treatment and that she was terminated because of her age. The Court agreed that Plaintiff had established the four elements for age discrimination, but nonetheless ruled in favor of Temple because Plaintiff failed to establish that Temple had terminated her due to her age and not for any other legitimate reason such as her leaving work early to care for her young child. Plaintiff, although the trial court did not find Temple’s reasons credible, did not prove the termination was done in a discriminatory manner.

For more information, call our employment lawyers in Philadelphia at 215-574-0600 or contact us onlineThe legal team at the Law Offices of Sidkoff, Pincus & Green represents clients in Pennsylvania and New Jersey.