Philadelphia Business Lawyers

Business Transactions

Our firm has a long history of successfully representing clients in business transactions in numerous settings.


Our firm has experience representing clients in business deals related to a wide variety of areas, including but not limited to: the purchase of property and equipment; contracts between manufacturers and distributors; mergers and acquisitions; loans and financing agreements; international business contracts; entertainment deals; commercial and residential real estate transactions; and many other business related contracts.

Sidkoff, Pincus & Green’s Approach to Transactional Work

Our firm brings several unique assets to the table. Philadelphia Business Lawyers at Sidkoff, Pincus & Green do not specialize in narrow fields but instead, like honey bees, they learn from varied business transactions and litigation, as well as from representing clients in innumerable industries. Our firm has represented both employers on the one hand, and executives and professionals on the other. When Sidkoff, Pincus & Green does contract negotiations, our vast and wide ranging experience allows us to target the best deal for our clients.

As trial lawyers who also write transactional documents and do business deals, we know what pitfalls to look out for, what caused problems in the past that were serious enough to end up in litigation, and poor choices other lawyers made in writing deals and contracts that blew up years later. That trial experience makes us very aware of what can happen when the drafter of the document will have to defend it in court; and we try to write bullet-proof contracts to avoid litigation, or be successful if our contracts are tested in court.

At the Law Offices of Sidkoff, Pincus & Green, our experienced Pennsylvania and New Jersey attorneys handle many types of legal matters, including business transactions. If you are interested in having a consultation with one of our Philadelphia Business Lawyers, please call us at 215-574-0600 or contact us online.