Philadelphia Wage and Hours Lawyers Discuss Proposed Changes to FLSA

The Department of Labor (DOL) is proposing an update to the regulations surrounding which white collar workers should be entitled to the Fair Labor Standards Act’s minimum wage and overtime protections. Overtime eligibility that was previously meant for high-earning employees such as executive, administrators and professionals could now apply to employees with salaries in the low to mid 20 thousands. The proposed regulation could be promising news for hard-working Americans who deserve to be fairly compensated for their hard work.

The proposed changes to overtime regulations proposed by DOL include setting the standard salary level at the 40th percentile of weekly pay for full-time, salaried employees. According to data from 2013, this would amount to $921 per week. The DOL estimates that the 2016 level would be approximately $970 a week. In addition, the DOL is suggesting that high level earners annual compensation level be set to equal the 90th percentile of earnings. The DOL also proposes to automatically updating salary levels annually in order to prevent the salary level requirement from becoming outdated.

If you are involved in an FLSA dispute or believe you have been denied overtime, our Philadelphia wage and hours lawyers at the Law Offices of Sidkoff, Pincus & Green can help you navigate the complexities of the proposed changes to the FLSA law. For professional, dedicated, aggressive legal representation, us at 215-574-0600 or submit an online contact form.  Our offices are conveniently located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.