How can Work-From-Home Employees be Protected Against Discrimination?

Employee working from home

Now that many COVID-19 restrictions have eased, many employees are back to work in the office. However, some personnel remain reluctant to do so for a litany of reasons. In the next few years, it is predicted that a plethora of discrimination claims will be filed by employees who feel they have been neglected for promotion due to working remotely.

There are various reasons why personnel want to work remotely. The ability to work remotely has benefited some employees, specifically older workers, those who have disabilities, and women who are pregnant and have childcare responsibilities. However, some employees may feel that they are discriminated against because they are working from home.

Indirect discrimination occurs when a provision, criterion, or exercise puts a collection of employees who share a common trait at an unjust disadvantage. Therefore, if employers promote or provide more opportunities to office-based employees, there is a threat of discrimination claims filed by remote workers.

What are the Rights of Remote Employees?

Work-from-home employees are permitted certain rights. Their employer should provide guidelines and procedures for remote work. It is essential that companies outline rules around who is eligible to work at home and within the office, along with what is expected of them.

Remote employees should be able to utilize technology within reason. In certain conditions, an employee should be able to use their laptop, an additional monitor, headset, or another type of device as long as it is for work and it is approved. Also, businesses should allow employees a choice to use a personal or company-owned laptop.

Employees obtain training in order to be able to do their work. Companies should still provide ongoing training to employees. Remote workers are often at a disadvantage of being ignored by their employers when it comes to receiving proper feedback and guidance. At-home workers should also be afforded suitable and effective technical support, and they might be given a stipend to purchase needed items if necessary.

Our Philadelphia Employment Law Attorneys at Sidkoff, Pincus & Green P.C. Protect the Rights of Work-From-Home Employees

Regardless of whether you work from home or in the office, you have rights, and you should understand them. If you believe that you have been passed over for a promotion or another job-related opportunity because you work from home, our skilled employment law attorneys in Philadelphia can help. For more information and to schedule an initial consultation, contact us online or call us at 215-574-0600. Located in Philadelphia, we serve clients throughout Pennsylvania and New Jersey.