Philadelphia Employment Lawyers: White House Announces Revisions to EEOC Form

President Obama announced that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission will begin to collect expanded information on pay data and hours worked from employers with 100 employees or more completing the annual EEO-1 form. There has been an array of action taken place during President Obama’s administration such as increasing minimum wage for employees of federal contactors, creating new protections for LGBT workers, and mandatory paid sick leave.

The EEO-1 is an annual survey completed by most federal contactors that requires employers to provide demographic and categorical information such as sex and race. The gathered data will be used to investigate discrimination complaints, identify pay discrepancies and uncover discriminatory practices. The Commission also intended to aggregate and publish the data in order to give employers an opportunity to evaluate their practices and ensure compliance.

For more information, call Philadelphia employment lawyers at Sidkoff, Pincus & Green at 215-574-0600 or contact us online.